Selena Trifunovic

professional pianist

About me

Selena Trifunović was born in Prizren, Kosovo and Metohija (Serbia) in 1982, where she graduated from the Primary and then Secondary music school Josip Slavenski  in a class taught by teacher Olga Glavić and professor Marko Savić.

She has participated in numerous national and international competitions where she has won a great number of awards, and is the first representative from Kosovo and Metohija to have participated in international piano competitions. For her exceptional achievements, she received the special award from the city of Prizren.

She graduated from the Piano Department of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, under the guidance of professor Mirjana Šuica-Babić.

She is currently enrolled in her final year of PhD studies at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade.

She has completed numerous courses with top music pianists and educators such as Arbo Valdma, Marko Tajčević, Aleksandar Madžar.​

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Others about me


Nowadays, there are less and less gifted artists, lucid scientists, experts in various fields, who, leaving their homeland, permanently or temporarily, still bind their feet to their native soil, listen to the voices of their ancestors and moderate their future with the standards of the tradition of the people they belong to. This is the case with renowned pianist Selena Trifunović….

Dr Vesna Sara Peno

Scientific Advisor, SANU Musicological Institute

I can say with pleasure that Mrs. Selena Trifunović was the first piano professor to my daughter Sofija Arsenović, and, thanks to her, she achieved great results over the next two years. In addition to the fact that Sofija, thanks to Selena, has passed numerous exams in her music school, she has also succeeded in sophisticated instrumentation of playing the piano…

Radmila Arsenovic

M.Sc.Arch. Engineer, Belgrade, Serbia

Selena Trifunović, pianist and teacher, professor at the Lujo Davičo Ballet School in Belgrade. She was my homeroom teacher and piano teacher as well as an accompanist in classical ballet. Schooling seemed to be easy and trouble free. She was primarily a friend to us and then a professor….

Milos Zivanovic

Ballet player, National Theater in Belgrade, Serbia



Piano lessons

Individual piano lessons are available for children as early as three years old as well as adults. The lessons focus on learning notes, rhythm as well as composing and developing creativity. Music is one of the most important fields and encourages proper brain development, as well as developing a person’s sense of logic and connection. Playing the piano involves playing with both hands, and is a special technique that establishes perfect coordination, control of the brain and strengthening the muscles of the arms and hands.

Singing classes

At singing lessons, special attention is paid to proper breathing, diction and listening development. We exercise a special way of breathing: breathing with the diaphragm, meaning from the belly. Why? Most people today breathe shallowly from the lungs, while breathing using the diaphragm is the most correct way to breathe. This allows the proper use of vocal cords, while special attention is paid to diction. This practically means that the words are clearly spoken and heard during the singing…


Want to schedule a lesson?

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